How to implement a search bar in the iPhone?

I am trying to implement a tab bar application, one of the tabs provides a search bar.
When I click the search button after entering some data in the search field, I should Get a tableview that displays the search results. The tableview should be added as a subview.
How can I achieve this?
UISearchBar is a control in the toolbox, you need to implement it, and implement the search button press event to change the tableview Add as a subview.

You can consult a similar thread here

UISearchBar Sample Code

I am Try to implement a tab bar application where one of the tabs provides a search bar.
When I click the search button after entering some data in the search field, I should get a tableview that displays the search results. The tableview should be added as Subview.
How can I implement it?

UISearchBar is a control in the toolbox, you need to implement it, and implement the search button press event to add the tableview as a subview.

You can consult a similar thread here

UISearchBar Sample Code

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