Perspective analysis of mobile phone APP test

1. Preparations for mobile APP testing:
Mobile APP testing is mainly aimed at the two mainstream operating systems of android and ios. The main considerations are functionality, compatibility, stability, and ease of use (also It is human-computer interaction), performance.
Preparation before testing: 1. Use the same type of product, not just use it, but test the same type of product. 2. Familiar with the spec documents of our products, and actively communicate with pm. 3. To write test cases, there must be at least one checklist if there is no time.
Two? Mobile APP test test points:
Function test (process test, function point test), compatibility test, cross test, installation and uninstallation test (including application upgrade), stress test (interface stress test);
Functional test: Test the specific function points one by one to ensure that each point can correctly realize the corresponding function; the function is currently not up to the level of automation in the market, and it is mainly tested by hand. The most problematic ones are special symbols, boundary values, buttons and the like. Basic functions mainly refer to whether the app has completed all the functions of the design. Distinguish the modules and write a checklist to avoid missed tests. Consider switching between horizontal and vertical screens, but many apps now only support vertical screens.
Compatibility test: Perform tests on the mainstream device installation applications on the market to ensure that they can all run normally; in terms of compatibility, consider the version, model, and resolution of the mobile phone. Different versions are different, and generally low versions are prone to problems.
Stability test: mainly crashes, system crashes, no response, etc.
??? Usability test: You need to consider whether the interface is attractive, easy to understand, clean, simple, and free of typos. Click on the range to confirm and so on. In this part of the test, if the test finds something unreasonable, it usually submits a requirement bug.
??? Performance test: mainly rely on tools to achieve CPU usage, memory usage, battery temperature, etc.
Cross testing: For running applications, if you enter SMS, phone calls and other software responses, it will not affect the tested applications, and will ensure that the applications can run correctly; the main considerations include phone and SMS interference, low battery Reminder, push reminder, USB data cable plug-in reminder, charging reminder, etc.
Installation and uninstallation test: to ensure that the application can be installed and uninstalled correctly, and can run correctly (pay attention to the application upgrade test: the status before and after the upgrade);
stress test: the application with a large number of users and high interaction needs to The interface performs a stress test to ensure that the application will not operate normally under the condition of a large number of users.
Outfield: network switching, app operation under strong and weak network signals.

Three? Note: Flashback (insufficient memory, etc.). On the mobile phone, this type of problem has a high probability. It should focus on testing, such as returning to access a certain module (data Modules obtained from time to time), switching applications, repeated submissions, call interaction, etc. are all reasons for the high chance of crashing. The following are the points that need to be paid attention to during the functional test:   1. Log in ●When the login user name and password are wrong, the interface will prompt information ●After the user actively logs out, the next time the APP is launched, the login interface should be entered. ●For APPs that support automatic login, During the data exchange, whether the automatic login is successful and the database operation is correct ●After the password is changed, whether the valid data is verified when logging in ●For some page operations when not logged in, whether to control the switch account login, verify the login Whether the information is updated in time ●When operating on multiple terminals, ensure that the database operation is correct and each terminal can see the data update in time. ●For some software, only one account is allowed to log in to one machine. At this time, Need to check whether the original user is deleted when the account is logged in to multiple mobile phones, and prompt information can be given ● When the APP is switched to the background, the test is switched to the foreground again, such as when a call comes in when logging in 2. Offline and offline is the application The local client will cache a part of the data for the program to be called next time. ●For some programs, you need to log in, and you can browse the local data when there is no network. ●When there is no network, refresh to get new data. Get data and give friendly prompts ●Switch to the background, and when you switch to the foreground again, you can view it normally. ●Connect to the Internet after offline. At this time, when the data is updated, you need to obtain new data from the server to update the client data. And to update the local cache information ●For some interface data does not provide offline viewing, you need to give corresponding prompts and there is no data after the interface is updated 3. The database Android and IOS clients use the database, when the APP needs to save the data on the client When, they will create the corresponding database table, the most common is to save the account, the main test points at this time are:    ● Like a general database, you need to check data additions, deletions, changes, and check ● The client is ready to use Built, when the table does not exist, whether it will be automatically created ● After the data table is deleted, can the data in the newly created table be automatically retrieved from the server and saved ● When the data is modified, deleted, the client and server Can there be corresponding updates on the client? Obtain the data, whether the client obtains directly from the client or compare it with the data on the server? For the data updated by the client from the server, whether the client saves it locally.

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