Silverlight – Entity Framework: “Members in the conceptual model do not exist in ospace”

I am using RIA Services July CTP in a Silverlight application. When I change the name of the navigation property, I receive the following error:

Error 119 The member “TestUsers” in the conceptual model type “MyModel.UserGroup” does not exist in the OSpace type “MyApp.Web.UserGroup”.

Is there an extra step when changing the name to a navigation property?

So when you say you changed the name of the navigation property, does it mean that you are in the EF model Is it changed in the Designer/EDMX file? Or just in the CLR?

You need to change it in two places.

I hope it is that simple,

Alex James

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I am using RIA Services July CTP in a Silverlight application. When I change the name of the navigation property, I receive the following error:

Error 119 conceptual model type “MyModel The member “TestUsers” in .UserGroup” does not exist in the OSpace type “MyApp.Web.UserGroup”.

Is there an extra step when changing the name to the navigation property?

So when you say you changed the name of the navigation property, does it mean you changed it in the EF model Designer/EDMX file? Or just in the CLR?

You need to change it in two places.

I hope it is that simple,

Alex James

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