Where is the system.codedom.compiler.compilerParameters in Silverlight?

I want to create a mathematical expression evaluator in Silverlight.
For convenience, I need to use System.Reflection, System.Reflection.Emit, System.CodeDom.Compiler and others Related assemblies are compiled dynamically.

However, I cannot find this class in Silverlight.

Please give me some suggestions.

Silverlight does not execute CodeDom, System.Reflection and System.Reflection.Emit exist in the mscorlib of Silverlight.

So if you want to perform an expression evaluation procedure, you need to emit IL for the expression.

Or, if you can use Javascript, you can let the host browser perform the evaluation.

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I want to create a mathematical expression evaluator in Silverlight.
For convenience, I need to use System.Reflection, System.Reflection.Emit, System.CodeDom.Compiler and other related The assembly is compiled dynamically.

However, I cannot find this class in Silverlight.

Please give me some suggestions.

Silverlight does not execute CodeDom, System.Reflection and System.Reflection.Emit exist in the mscorlib of Silverlight.

So, if you want to perform an expression evaluation program, You need to emit IL for the expression.

Or, if you can use Javascript, you can let the host browser perform the evaluation.

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