Why do we need Silverlight 2

Everyone is looking forward to it, Microsoft’s new generation of Web Application development platform: Silverlight 2.0 has finally entered RTWphase (Release To Web), which is the official version released on the Internet for public download. I know that most developers and users have a wait-and-see attitude towards this technology. After all, the experience of Silverlight 1.0 has caused many developers to suffer a lot. They do not support Chinese, use JavaScript, and do not support text input. The limitation caused Silverlight 1.0 to stagnate in the stage where it can only be used for animation. Worse still, the exclusive design tool introduced by Microsoft: Blend has been in stability and poor functionality. Making Silverlight 1.0 applications is for developers For the designer, it is not an easy task. Friends often ask the author, with Flash’s widespread market share, what are the benefits of using a Silverlight that lacks powerful tools and is similar to Flash?

Why do we needSilverlight 2
?? Everyone is looking forward to it, Microsoft’s new generation of Web Application development platform: Silverlight 2.0 has finally entered RTWphase (Release To Web), which is the official version released on the Internet for public download.
?? I know that most developers and users have a wait-and-see attitude towards this technology. After all, the experience of Silverlight 1.0 has caused many developers to suffer a lot. They do not support Chinese, use JavaScript, and Supports text input.
Many restrictions make Silverlight 1.0 stagnate in the stage where it can only be used for animation. Worse still, the exclusive design tool launched by Microsoft: Blend has been in stability and poor functionality. Silverlight 1.0 applications are not easy for developers and designers.
?? Friends often ask the author, with Flash’s wide market share, what are the benefits of using a Silverlight that lacks powerful tools and is similar to Flash?
My answer is mostly: Flash started from the image concept and developed, and Silverlight developed from the program concept. For programmers, Silverlight is better than Flash. It’s easy to use. In the future, once Silverlight fills in image tools and adds Chinese input and network capabilities, it will become a new generation of RIA Web Application development standards. (Please note that the Web Application referred to here does not refer to all existing Website, I will do a more precise cutting on this later).
?? This passage still applies. In addition to increasing Chinese input and strengthening network capabilities, Silverlight 2.0 also adds support for .NET Language and includes a sophisticated CLR (in Silverlight (This is called SLR). For developers, I think Silverlight 2.0 must be the best choice for writing a new generation of RIA Web Application. The only regret is that the design tool Blend is still incomplete.

?? OK,那么我们为何需要Silverlight 2.0呢? The success of Flash lies in bringing images, video and other functions into web applications. Many well-known websites: YouTube and Chunshuitang (Agui) use the powerful capabilities of Flash to push themselves from a small website into a single demeanor. The enterprise that the Internet generation is heading towards. Flash is one of the keys to the success of these companies. What about Silverlight?
?? Yes, I don’t think anyone can deny that the kingdom created by Flash is not something that Silverligh can easily move. If images and videos are the main reasons for adopting Silverlight, Then you are not an MS fan, or a genius who has the courage to do the right thing with the market (or a fool, as a result, if you become a genius, if you fail, you are a fool)! !

?? 对我而言,我会采用Silverlight 2.0的原因只有一个,Flash主导了图像与影像的市场,但却一直无法进入商用软件应用的市场,这是网络In this generation, the markets that many Internet companies are trying to enter, such as Google Application and Google Office, are examples of attempts but not yet successful. And Silverlight 2.0 happens to provide the conditions for entering this market. How big is this market? Please recall many years ago, before the Internet bubble, how many customers wanted to use IE and other browsers as a platform to use business programs, such as accounting, invoicing, and personnel salaries? So what are the reasons why these customers gave up similar products that they had already completed?

?? 我最常收到的客户抱怨是,Web Application用起来很不方便,原本按几个键就能做完的事,就是得经过鼠标跟一堆跳出窗口才能完成, Work efficiency has therefore been reduced a lot, which makes the original Web Application a small and dispensable front-end, allowing businesses and employees who are away from home, without the complete software installed in the NB, there is one that can interact with The company’s software interaction channel.

HTML是为了呈现”文档”而发展出来的一种样版语言,再怎么努力,她做出来的成品,要跟Windows GUI专用的C++、Delphi等语言来对比,根本就是一个Unequal comparison.

?? 那有了Silverlight 2.0,这些问题就都解决了吗? Let us think about it, what is the UI architecture of Silverlight? In fact, it is a subset of WPF, and WPF is an architecture that Microsoft expects to replace the original Windows GUI developed. However, WPF has inherent flaws. First, she must install .NET Framework 3.0 on the client. Second , Although her drawing ability far exceeds the traditional Windows Form, but the complexity is relatively high, writing RIA Web Application with WPF is a controversial decision, WPF is a Client Application Architecture!

?? 那以WPF子集做为UI标准的Silverlight呢? Silverlight 2.0 does not require .NET Framework 3.0. Its built-in SLR is about 4.6MB, which fully provides the functions required by .NET Language. Although it inherits the shortcomings of WPF’s high complexity, it can be used on the browser. The advantage of direct execution can completely cover this defect.

?? 重点是,那Silverlight 2.0能做什么是Flash做不到,或是AIR做不到的呢? My answer is very simple. Silverlight 2.0 can be used to make a set of invoicing, accounting, and personnel salaries that can be implemented on IE, and the convenience of the UI interface can be compared with Windows Forms, and it is compatible with .NET (or MS Pie, Borland) For programmers, it is easier to control Silverlight than to control AIR. Moreover, the recent launch of Silverlight Toolkit proves that Silverlight’s component/control architecture is sufficient for many 3rd Party manufacturers to produce many simple and easy-to-use controls.

?? 虽然,MS绝不会在图像、影像上自贬身价的承认不如Flash,但现实是,如果不是因为客户指定开发环境,我想大多数的设计者都不会选择Silverlight is due to the ability of existing personnel, and the other is that Flash has been developed for a long time, and the patterns and examples are very rich. It will take a lot of time for Silverlight to reach this level.

? 自然,AIR也不会在程序面承认不如Silverlight,但是! The fact is, if the focus is on RIA Web Application, then AIR must first solve the problem of its lack of Windows GUI architecture experience in order to be on par with Silverlight. After all, this is the accumulated experience of MS for many years.

?? 开发平台市场上,从来未出现独霸的现象,在Borland DELPHI强势而MS弱势的世代中,MS也没有败的很难看,反而在MS启动.NET计划后,DELPHI就此In a position of being beaten. But if you think that DELPHI is dead, then you are quite wrong. Development tools are used to produce products and will not be changed overnight due to market trends. There are still many people and companies using DELPHI and they will be affected. It is a long-term solution. In a weak language, there will be fewer and fewer developers willing to invest. Eventually, the company will move towards the intersection of generations. At this time, will there be DELPHI at this intersection? A big problem.

?? 所以,Silverlight与Flash、AIR,基本上是个占有率的问题,不存在于谁取代谁的问题,除非! The demand for RIA Web Application has greatly increased, and it will be compressed to the future use of Flash as the king of images and video. Then, due to the overlap of generations, Silverlight will get rid of Flash and AIR, but! I don’t think anyone would think that this will happen in 5-10 years, unless Adobe doesn’t play it anymore.


Original text: Big column Why do we need Silverlight 2

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