Migrate WebApp (Spring and Camel) from Tomcat 7 to Jetty

My webapp is currently deployed as a war against Tomcat7. I want to migrate this webapp to Jetty. I explored Jetty, but it seems that there are too many options. The webapp uses Spring MVC And Camel. I am using Maven for building, testing and deployment.

I am looking for a good option to quickly migrate this application to Jetty.

Edit: My The main interest is embedded Jetty. I assume that embedded Jetty should be able to use Spring normally.

Thank you.

< div class="answer"> This is what I did this job.

>I added the following plugins in pom.xml


10< /scanIntervalSeconds>


${basedir}/ target/{mywarname}.war


>Execute maven cleanup and installation

$mvn clean install -DskipTests
>Run war file with Jetty plugin

$mvn Dock: War
>Run tests in a separate window

$mvn test

My webapp is currently deployed as a war against Tomcat7. I want to migrate this webapp to Jetty. I explored Jetty, but it looks like there are too many options. The webapp uses Spring MVC and Camel. I am using Maven for building, testing and deployment.

I am looking for a good option to quickly migrate this application to Jetty.

Edit: My main interest is embedded Jetty. I assume that embedded Jetty should be able to use Spring normally.

Thank you.

This I did this work.

>I added the following plugins in pom.xml



< br />


>Execute maven clean and install

$mvn clean install -DskipTests
>Use Jetty plug-in to run war file

$mvn dock: war
>Run the test in a separate window

$mvn test

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