Linux file management summary

1. What are the file management commands on Linux, their commonly used methods and related demonstrations

   1, ls
  Command function:< /span> List the contents of the current directory or specify the directory
  Command format: ls [options] [files_or_dirs] < /div>

  Command options:
        ls -a contains hidden files
        ls -l Show additional information
      ls -R directory recursively through
        ls -ld directory and symbolic link information
         display lsspan files in rows
        ls –S Sort from largest to smallest
        ls –t sort by mtime
        ls –u with -t option, display and sort by atime from newest to oldest
     –  ls U Display in order of directory storage
        ls –X Sort by file suffix
   2, touch
Command function: One ​​is to use After updating the time label of the existing files to the current time of the system (the default method), their data will be kept intact;

on the font-size: 14pt; font- family: 宋体;”>The second is to create Create a new empty file.

   Command format: touch [OPTION]… FILE…
   Command options:

        -a Only change atime and ctime
        -m only change mtime and ctime
                        YYYY-t [DD .ss], specify the timestamp of atime and mtime
        -c If the file does not exist, it will not be created

< p>   1, ls

  Command function: List the contents of the current directory or specify the directory

  Command format: ls [options] [files_or_dirs]

  Command options:

        ls -a contains hidden files

        ls -l Display additional information

ls -R directory recursively through

        ls -ld directory and symbolic link information p>

        ls -1 File branch display

        ls –S sorted from largest to smallest

ls –t sort by mtime

        ls –u with the -t option, display and press atime from newest Old sorting

        ls –U display in order of directory storage

        ls –X Sort by file suffix

   2, touch
    Command function: One is to update the time label of an existing file to the current time of the system (default Method), their data will be kept intact;

The second is to create a new empty file.

   Command format: touch [OPTION]… FILE…
   Command options:

        -a Only change atime and ctime
        -m only change mtime and ctime
                        YYYY-t [DD .ss], specify the timestamp of atime and mtime
        -c If the file does not exist, it will not be created

   2, touch

    Command function: One is used to update the time label of the existing file to the current time of the system (the default method), and their data will be intact Keep the land;

The second is to create a new empty file.

   Command format: touch [OPTION]… FILE…
   Command options:

        -a Only change atime and ctime
        -m only change mtime and ctime
                        YYYY-t [DD .ss], specify the timestamp of atime and mtime
        -c If the file does not exist, it will not be created

Command function: One ​​is to use To update the time label of the existing files to the current time of the system (the default method), their data will be kept intact;

The second is to create a new empty file.

   Command format: touch [OPTION]… FILE…

   Command options:

        -a Only change atime and ctime
        -m only change mtime and ctime
                        YYYY-t [DD .ss], specify the timestamp of atime and mtime
        -c If the file does not exist, it will not be created

        -a Only change atime and ctime

      -m only change mtime and ctime

        -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss], specify atime and mtime timestamp

        -c If the file does not exist, it will not be created

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