Several solutions for Failed to access IIS metabase in Windows 2000 Server + Net2.0
Today On a very old Windows 2000 Server SP4, install Net 2.0 Framework, install it to SP2, then install Mic
Several solutions for Failed to access IIS metabase in Windows 2000 Server + Net2.0
Today On a very old Windows 2000 Server SP4, install Net 2.0 Framework, install it to SP2, then install Mic
I am building a website that uses Google Visualization API, except for the production server, it works fine (even in IE). Basically:
> It works in all browsers not made by Microsoft;
>In IE8,
I used the following command to create a new hello world project,
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld The project was created successfully, and then I added the ios platform
I have the following simple code to convert a clipboard image to bmp and then to png:
if Clipboard.HasFormat (CF_PICTURE) then
bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
png := TPNGImage.Create;
I tested my first app version on my ipad.
So I deleted it because I started working on the next one.
Well, I Deleted the organizer data and other reference materials, the configuration file is co
Failure reason SSL certificate is invalid
Solution: npm config set registry
The reason for the fail