I’m a beginner, learning LibGDX. I’m developing my first game in LibGDX, you can replace the enemy’s ball (such as someone’s head) with a selected picture and then You dodge the enemy. In my main m
Tag: need
Lua needs a relative path
I cannot load a .Lua file from a relative path.
This works:
function Math( v1, v2 )
return v1 + v2
end 1.lua
This does not work:
package.path = package.path ..’
Delphi – Why does a class need an empty method to call it?
I am evaluating an existing dependency injection library for Delphi, and settled on delphidicontainer due to its simplicity-it only requires a unit file!
However, there is one thing I don’t u
MySQL needs attention when establishing index optimization
1, create an index
is dominant for queries For applications, the index is particularly important. In many cases, the performance problem is simply because we forgot to add an index, or because w
LINQ – Enumerable.todictionary only retrieves what it needs?
I am using Enumerable.ToDictionary to create a Dictionary from linq call:
return (from term in dataContext.Terms< br /> where term.Name.StartsWith(text)
select term).ToDictionary(t => t.Term
Performance – Android studio takes a long time to open
When I click the android studio icon on the desktop, it takes 5-10 minutes or more to open the android studio window.
Then Gradle builds It takes a long time to refresh, even though I have se
Partition – whether the partition key is required when retrieved by the document ID
Can a document be retrieved by its ID without specifying a partition key?
My understanding when reading the documentation is that when the partition key is not specified, the query will fan o
Tucao CSDN – thinking about money – Read more by reading
TucaoCSDN Thinking about money, wanting to be crazy – To read the full text, you need to turn off the ad blocking Recently, csdn has started to promote blog skin upgrades. To put it bluntly, there
Performance – Excel 2003: Why do you have a link to other spreadsheets for so long?
My Excel application creates links to other Excel files. It takes about 1 second to create a link to a cell, but I have hundreds of cells to link, so it’s very Slow.
There is no difference in spee
Does the client-server webRTC application require ICE?
I have a WebRTC MCU (kurento) running on a public IP address
for some customers who only send or only receive audio
So every client Both are directly connected to MCUs with public IP addresses (no