I have a bunch of XML files using prefixes but no corresponding namespace declarations.
… I know where those prefixes come from, I tried the following, but no succ
I have a bunch of XML files using prefixes but no corresponding namespace declarations.
… I know where those prefixes come from, I tried the following, but no succ
What does the $ prefix mean to certain properties of Flex objects?
For example, item. $width
For the exact definition of naming conventions, please check this page: Coding Conventions – Flex SDK
What does the $ prefix mean to certain properties of Flex objects?
For example, project.$width
When declaring a method, what do the various prefixes of the parameters mean?
sh(*cmd, &block) What does the * before cmd mean?
What & what does it mean before the block
def foo(*
Is it possible to set the table prefix in the MySQL workbench?
For example: I created a complete pattern (table_1, table_2, table_3,… table_N), and I want Workbench to add a prefix to each table
Powerdesign batch modify table name steps: 1. ctrl + shift + x to open the running VBS code window 2. Copy the code below and run
Option ExplicitValidationMode = TrueInteractiveM