Official document:
The FastCGI software development kit is used to simplify the conversion of existing CGI programs into FastCGI programs o
Official document:
The FastCGI software development kit is used to simplify the conversion of existing CGI programs into FastCGI programs o
Hi, I want to know if there is a way to put libgdx games into an Android application?
I like to talk about Tom’s mini games,…
I created some games in libgdx, and now I want to put the
1. First make sure that yourapache http server starts.
< /span>
The server is not up yet
Start the server
2. Write cgi executable file
#include int cgi_hello_world(){
I have uploaded an app that supports gamepads on my Android TV, but this is not required. Unfortunately, the Google Play Store shows that it needs to be filled. I know it has obvious things, but It
1. Cause
There is an application with a very large CGI program, and each program has a size of nearly 1MB after the strip. The flash space is limited, so consider The method of reducing the progra
Sometimes we need to do rendering in the context of the surfaceview in the native layer. At this time, we just provide a separate do nothing Surfaceview.
The xml file is as follows:
< s
I. Overview of CGI CGI (Common Gateway Interface) specifies how the web server calls other executable programs (CGI programs) Interface protocol standard. The Web server realizes the interaction wi
For my Angular application, here is the app.routing.ts file:
const appRoutes: Routes = [
{path:”, component: LoginComponent },
{path:’dashboard’, component: DashboardComponent },
How do you convince your manager that the solution you are considering is a good/best solution?
I need to be able to explain in non-professional terms (or possibly busi
1 span> #include
2 #define uint unsigned int < br /> 3 #define uchar unsigned char
5 sbit SCL =P2^1 ;
6 sbit SDA =P2^0;
7 8 sbit K1 =P3^0;
9 sbit K2 =P3^1;
10 sbit K3 =P3^0;
11 sbit