I tried to use the FB SDK with the React-Native app on iOS, but I encountered an error:
React-Native-Unreadable Take the undefined attribute’logInWithReadPermissions’
Click the button.<
I tried to use the FB SDK with the React-Native app on iOS, but I encountered an error:
React-Native-Unreadable Take the undefined attribute’logInWithReadPermissions’
Click the button.<
I am trying to install react-native through npm install –save react-native for my library so I can export a react component that uses View as a wrapper, and its children are platform-independent .When I try to import react-native, it spews hundreds of lines, saying that it cannot parse the module in react-native
I am writing a react-redux application. At the beginning, it calls a single endpoint, which returns a lot of data in a lot of nested JSON. Then I standardize it and make it Put it in my redux-orm s
When I installed react on npm, I got the following folders in node_modules:
> amdefine
>as soon as possible
> base62< br>> core-js
> envify
> esprima-fb
> fbjs
> js-tokens
> jstransform
During a call, the status bar in iOS will change its height. A larger status bar will cause the TabBar IOS in my RN iOS app to be partially pushed away from the bottom of the screen. In addition, w
In the official react-native document, there is a section about the Animated.event method. For example, they use the following code:
// scrollX = e.nativeEvent.cont
I cannot use redux to connect my react-native application to redux-devtools-extension to remote-redux-devtools.
I am on macOSX Use android devices connected via USB on Sierra.
// config
Does anyone have an example of how to use GraphRequestManager’s promise?
I got the attribute of Undefined error cannot be read in my action creator.
function graphRequest(path, params, token
Does anyone know whether the async updater parameter can be used in setState(updater) in React? I have the following code invalid (f is called, but the UI is not updated):
this.setState( asyn
I am working on a React Redux application and I have a very basic question about some best practices.
I have MainComponent (a kind of container ) I get data on componentDidMount: