We have a project containing more than 500,000 lines of VB.NET, we need to convert to C#. Any suggestions based on experience, which tools to use? We are using Visual Studio 2008 and our goal is 3.
Tag: tool
LUA – How to build a custom tool from the Premake build script?
I use protocol buffers for data serialization in my C application. I want to add a call to the protoc code generator in my premake build script (to ensure that the generated class The latest state,
C # Development Auto Photo (Picture) Crop (Zoom) Tool
1. Demand analysis
Using the winform form program, develop a program that can automatically zoom and crop pictures in batches.
I originally wanted to find the type of tools from the Int
Performance Test Tool Gnu Gprof
1 Introduction
Improving the performance of an application is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive work, but it is usually not very obvious which functions in the program consume most of the
Open Source Search Engine Tool
Search engine tools graph TB A((Lucene)) A –> B[Solr] A –> C[ElasticSearch] A –> H[Java] B –> D[RESTful & Admin] B –> E[Core & Field] B –> F[IKAnalyzer] C –> FC –> G[Kibana] div> [TOC]<
HeartBeat V2 Configuration LAMP HA Description and HB_GUI Tool Instructions
Regarding the heartbeat v2 version description, using the hb_gui window management tool, there will be a separate process mgmtd to test crm, which is responsible for crm work and monitors the tcp p
Agreement – Protocol Simulation Tool
My software development team recently discovered that they have implemented several different communication protocols for our products to achieve integration with various external products.
Automated Test Tool Autorunner V4.2 New Version Upgrade Preview!
The automated testing tool AutoRunner has always played an important role in the automated testing of various technical programs. In response to the requirements of the majority of users, the funct
First, AppIUM Tools
1. Introduction to appium
1. Appium is an open source automated testing framework that supports mobile testing. The official website is appium.io
2. Platforms supported by appium: Andro
Script # – Is there an automation tool for generating a script clear library?
I can’t believe that all the jQuery code is done by hand.
Edit. Just for cleaning
Script# has a set A library that wraps jquery. This allows me to call jquery functions in a natural c#