ReactJS – Present React Redux React-Router App to add the server to the Firebase hosted by the Firebase

I currently use (React Redux React-Router) on firebase hosting to use a single page application. I want to implement server-side rendering, and I know I need to run on something like Heroku Node/fast server, but I am not clear how to do this. I have seen many starting boiler boards, namely Este, which contains server-side rendering, but I want to add this feature to an existing project. Somehow, firebase The static content hosted on the server should be able to access my server, but again it is not clear how to implement it, so that I can get the benefits of SSR.
Since you are already using Firebase, you can use Firebase features.

Just set up a new function that intercepts your http request, and then you can get all Everything you need is rendered to a string, reflecting the router rendering as a string method.

Here is a good tutorial that covers all parts of the content .com/watch?v=82tZAPMHfT4

I currently use (React Redux React-Router) on firebase hosting to use a single page application. I want to implement server-side rendering, I know I need to run a node/fast server on something like Heroku, but I don’t know how to do it. I have seen many starting boiler boards, namely Este, which contains server-side rendering, but I want to add this The functionality is added to an existing project. Somehow, the static content hosted on firebase should be able to access my server, but again it is not clear how to implement it so that I can get the benefits of SSR.

Since you are already using Firebase, you can use Firebase features.

Just set up a new function that intercepts your http request, and then you can get all Everything you need is rendered to a string, reflecting the router rendering as a string method.

Here is a good tutorial that covers all parts of the content .com/watch?v=82tZAPMHfT4

WordPress database error: [Table 'yf99682.wp_s6mz6tyggq_comments' doesn't exist]
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