I have been trying to create a function with a list of tuples as parameters, but I keep getting the error: “Unparsed flex record (need to know the names of all fields in this context)” My code is:<
Is Flex – RED5 is ready?
I am considering using Red5 instead of wowza and Flash Media Interactive Server. But it looks like a new project, and it has not even reached full v1, so I am worried about using it in a production
Use DOJO to display Table Data and Filter Features
How to use Dojo to display tabular data and apply the filter function?
The steps are as follows:
1. Insert the number array into the variable data defined by ItemFileWriteStore,
ReactJS – Why does NPM Install React-Native does not work?
I am trying to install react-native through npm install –save react-native for my library so I can export a react component that uses View as a wrapper, and its children are platform-independent .When I try to import react-native, it spews hundreds of lines, saying that it cannot parse the module in react-native
ReactJS – Is it better to send a normalized or non-standardized API response for the React REDUX application?
I am writing a react-redux application. At the beginning, it calls a single endpoint, which returns a lot of data in a lot of nested JSON. Then I standardize it and make it Put it in my redux-orm s
ActionScript-3 – How to get the height and width of the zoom?
I have an s: there are few fixed-size components in the group, these are assumed to be 200×300, 300×150, etc.
Now, if I adjust s: group with resizeMode = Scale ,(Shrink). And try to read the reduce
ActionScript-3 – Can I use the mouse down and up an event analog mouse click?
A previous question made me think about whether it is possible to simulate MouseEvent.CLICK being triggered by first triggering MOUSE_DOWN and then MOUSE_UP.
According to Adobe’s recommendati
How to use click event Disable Dojo button
I need to disable the dojo button through the click event, but my dojo button is now disabled. Only the color button also works fine with the click event. How can I limit this? In the j query, when
Flex layout
Using flex to write an adaptive layout, the code comes from the MDN document
HTML structure
I am article
I am nav
I am aside
< /div>
I am footer CSS
font-size: 24px ;
ReactJS – Why is React need so much node_modules? How to limit loading all these files to make it worth using React?
When I installed react on npm, I got the following folders in node_modules:
> amdefine
>as soon as possible
> base62< br>> core-js
> envify
> esprima-fb
> fbjs
> js-tokens
> jstransform