Server CPU X86 ARM PowerPC RISC
RISC is a microprocessor that executes fewer types of computer instructions. It originated in the MIPS host (that is, RISC machine) in the 1980s, in the RISC m
Server CPU X86 ARM PowerPC RISC
RISC is a microprocessor that executes fewer types of computer instructions. It originated in the MIPS host (that is, RISC machine) in the 1980s, in the RISC m
I am setting up load balancing through KEMP LoadMaster. I have set up everything and reached the point where the real server starts, the virtual server starts, and the ping works but the http reque
My ASP.NET application stores some expensive (loaded) data in static fields accessible by the application (in this case using System.Web.Caching.Cache is Inappropriate).
My application is a
Is it actually possible to use the net/rpc package in Go to make RPC calls from the server to the client? If not, is there a better solution out there? I am currently using thrift (thrift4go) fo
I have a WebRTC MCU (kurento) running on a public IP address
for some customers who only send or only receive audio
So every client Both are directly connected to MCUs with public IP addresses (no
I am rearranging our network and doing some DHCP failover, because we have many machines, even servers, using DHCP to obtain IP addresses.
Today we have a good DNS topology with a master serv
Related document link:
1. Operation:
Official website: http: //
User manual: https:
(I will try to keep this question as short as possible while clearly describing the situation. Please comment if there are any omissions.)
The situation >I am running a cluster of three serve
I am trying to master the manipulation of table data into a more visually attractive output format. This may be part of the problem, because what I want may be for a separate reporting software. <
I have an ASP.NET webpage with a table of checkboxes and a button. I need to find the IDs of all the checkboxes that are checked when the button click occurs. Collect IDs After the list is listed,