I have a bunch of XML files using prefixes but no corresponding namespace declarations.
… I know where those prefixes come from, I tried the following, but no succ
I have a bunch of XML files using prefixes but no corresponding namespace declarations.
… I know where those prefixes come from, I tried the following, but no succ
I need to match all that does not contain /admin/or? page = URL.
I will use it as a redirect rule in the iirf.ini file (htaccess syntax is supported).
How can I do this ?
The following code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
x = (u ‘abc/αβγ’,)
print x
print x[0]
print unicode(x).encode(‘utf-8’)
print x[0]. encode(‘utf-8’) …Production:
Recent changes in Git have changed the way the .git directory is handled when using submodules.
Now, everything is in the “root level”.git directory (with the submodule In the directory correspond
is just a simple task. I have a dictionary var types = [Int: String](), it is like an empty one, after some user operations, it is filled with data. According to this dictionary I enable/disable th
I have a button with the following image:
let btnFoo = new Button()
let imgBar = new BitmapImage(new System.Uri(“images/whatever.png”, System.UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) I want the button co
Hello, thank you!
I am trying to access the USB port from a Silverlight application. Since Silverlight is running in a sandbox, this operation cannot be performed.
Is it possible to run
Is there a way to force dotnet pack to include all referenced assemblies (all dependencies in project.json)?
I believe this is related:
> https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/1290
> htt
I recently saw #include including every standard library and stdc include file. When I try to compile the following code snippet using visual studio 2013, it will give Error C1083: Cannot open incl